Quotes in organization as a system

Top management should publish a resolution that no one will lose his job for contribution to quality and productivity.

I read them. Not to grade them. No, I read them to see how I am doing. Where am I failing? What don’t they understand? Why do they give wrong answers? Why do they have some point of view that I don’t think is right? Where am I failing? Where do I need to build up.

A bad system will beat a good person every time.

It is wrong to suppose that if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it – a costly myth.

“We installed quality control.” No. You can install a new desk, or a new carpet, or a new dean, but not quality control. Anyone that proposes to “install quality control” unfortunately has little knowledge about quality control.

Management of a system requires knowledge of the interrelationships between all of the components within the system and of everybody that works in it.

Standardization does not mean that we all wear the same color and weave of cloth, eat standard sandwiches, or live in standard rooms with standard furnishings. Homes of infinite variety of design are built with a few types of bricks, and with lumber of standard sizes, and with water and heating pipes and fittings of standard dimensions.

Our schools must preserve and nurture the yearning for learning that everyone is born with.