Quotes in data
Management must provide employees with tools that will enable them to do their jobs better, and with encouragement to use these tools. In particular, they must collect data.
It is easy to date an earthquake, but not an economic decline.
Whenever there is fear, you will get wrong figures.
Dividing one number by another is mere computation; figuring out what you should divide by what is mathematics.
he that would run his company on visible figures alone will in time have neither company nor figures.
no one can guess the future loss of business from a dissatisfied customer. The cost to replace a defective item on the production line is fairly easy to estimate, but the cost of a defective item that goes out to a customer defies measure.
There is no such thing as arrival exactly on time. In fact, exactly on time can not be defined.
If you change the rule for counting people, you come up with a new number.
It is wrong to suppose that if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it – a costly myth.
Fear invites wrong figures. Bearers of bad news fare badly. To keep his job, anyone may present to his boss only good news.